
Cataract formation is a natural part of the eye’s aging process. Cataract surgery is a common procedure; most people regain the vision they had earlier with the help of microsurgery. Patients can usually return home one hour after surgery.

What Is Cataract?

Inside our eye is a lens, which is like clear glass. The lens focuses the light rays coming into the eye on the retina at the back of the eye, which is sent to the brain for us to see. For perfect vision, the lens should be clear, but with age when the lens becomes cloudy, dull, or opaque, light cannot pass through it and the vision becomes dim or blurred. Later, when the lens is totally opaque, there is a total loss of vision but it is reversible. Any cloudy lens is called a cataract.


The most common cause of cataract is aging
There may be other causes like diabetes, kidney disease, glaucoma, smoking
Eye injuries (Traumatic Cataract) and inflammation (Uveitis) inside the eye
Prolonged use of certain medications (Steroids) can also lead to cataract formation
Cataract in children (Developmental / Congenital / Pediatric Cataract)


Painless, gradually decreasing vision
Double vision or seeing multiple images
Trouble with seeing in poor light or sometimes in excessive sunlight
Becoming sensitive to glare, making night driving difficult
Difficulty in distance vision and in reading

Treatment For Cataract

In the early stages, you can improve your vision by changing your glasses. But once the cataract progresses, changing glasses will not help. There are no medications, eye drops, or diet changes that can cure or prevent cataract formation. If the cataract decreases vision, the only solution is surgery. DO NOT WAIT FOR THE CATARACT TO GET MATURE as unnecessary delay can lead to avoidable complications and more difficult surgery. Cataract surgery can be undertaken successfully in any season. Summer or rainy season do not have any effect on the outcomes of the cataract surgery. Are you searching for a best eye Cataract Specialist for children near you. We are here to help you.


Our Hospital is fully equipped with the most modern technology for performing suture-less cataract surgeries. We are equipped with The Laureate World Phaco system capable of the Latest Micro-Coaxial Cataract Surgery (MICS), or removal of the cataract through a 2mm (or less) incision with the implantation of foldable intraocular lenses (IOLs).

Phacoemulsification & Foldable IOL Implantation
The Laureate World Phaco system (USA)
Operating Microscope- Carl Zeiss (Germany)
Biomedix A-Scan (USA): To calculate the correct IOL power
Alcon AcuScan Immersion Biometry (USA): This method to calculate the correct IOL power is more precise than the conventional contact method
Shin Nippon Autorefracto Keratometer: To measure of the Curvature of the cornea
Multifocal IOL’s
High Contrast Aspheric IOL’s
Toric IOL’s
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Surgical Techniques

Several techniques are used for removing cataracts. Conventional Cataract surgery or Extra Capsular Cataract Extraction (SICS/ECCE) OLDER SURGICAL METHOD:
Done when the cataract is very mature.
Requires an incision of 8-12 mm
The cloudy eye lens is removed in one piece
A hard plastic lens is implanted
Multiple Stitches are required in ECCE
Final glass prescription could take even upto 10 weeks


Phacoemulsification is at present universally accepted as the standard of care for cataract surgery. Ultrasound energy is used in Phacoemulsification to break up the cataract (emulsify) into microscopic fragments which can be sucked out of the eye. The new Foldable lens is then inserted into the eye. Usually, no stitches are required to close the incision. This minimal surgery allows faster and safer healing, hastening your return to normal activity.

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Step 1

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Step 2

Incission size: 2.8 mm.
Walk-in Walk-out procedure
Stitchless, bloodless, painless surgery
Chances of infection are very low
Quicker healing and recovery

Options in Intra-ocular Lenses (IOLs)

We offer our patients the latest in IOL technology including the Hydrophobic Alcon Acrysof IQ, ReSTOR IOL, and astigmatism-correcting Toric IOLs.To minimize calculation errors in the implanted IOLs we now have the Immersion Biometry






What are multifocal IOLs?

Multifocal IOLs (Eg: Acrysof ReStor/ Panoptics) have different segments built onto the same lens which allows clear distance, Intermediate & near vision with spectacle freedom for most activities.

What about toric IOLs?

Traditionally used mono-focal IOLs correct only the spherical refractive error. Patients with pre-existing astigmatism will need spectacle correction for distance vision and near. Toric IOLs eliminate the need for glasses for distance.

When can I resume my normal work?

One can resume their day-to-day work even the day after surgery.
One could One can resume their day-to-day work even the day after surgery.
One could start their work from home or the office for 3-4 days, but remember to apply the drops as advised.
Normally till the glass correction is given 4-6 weeks after surgery, reading may be difficult, but this is much better after the implantation of a multifocal IOL.
start their work from home or office by 3-4 days, but remember to apply the drops as advised.
Normally till the glass correction is given 4-6 weeks after surgery, reading may be difficult, but this is much better after the implantation of a multifocal IOL.

Can I travel after surgery?

There is no problem in traveling even on the day after the surgery.
Any amount of travel is absolutely fine provided one remembers to apply the eye drops.

Will I need glasses after phaco surgery?

You may need to wear glasses only to fine -tune your vision. These spectacles have normal lenses unlike thick lenses used in the past. If unifocal IOL is used, near-vision glasses are almost always required.

Is there any diet restriction after phaco surgery?

There are absolutely no diet restrictions after phaco and you can continue with your normal diet. However, diet regulation advised for other diseases like Diabetes, High blood pressure, etc must continue.