This department comprises Eye problems arising due to problems behind the eye, ie problems in the Visual pathway which transmit visual data between the eye ball and the visual center in the brain. These may either cause sudden loss of vision or gradual loss of vision from the sides or double vision due to abnormal eye movements.
Optic Neuritis
Optic neuritis is swelling of the optic nerve due to Inflammation. Vision can range from Mild decrease to Total blindness depending on the severity of inflammation of the optic nerve.
Disc Edema/ Pappilledema
This is swelling of the Optic nerve due to Increased pressure inside the Head / Skull due to Increased fluid pressure or Mass in the Brain. Initially, there is not much Vision loss, but the Long duration of Disc swelling can lead to the death of the nerve fibers resulting in severe visual loss. Mostly this problem occurs in both eyes.
- First, the cause of the nerve swelling is identified by undergoing with CT Scan or MRI Scan. Then depending on the cause, the treatment is given to prevent severe visual loss and to restore the existing vision.
- Therefore, the best defense is an early diagnosis because if the cause can be found and corrected, further damage can be prevented.
Adult Squint / Strabismus
Strabismus is a defect in the eyes wherein the eyes point in two different directions. This occurs when one or more of the Nerves which are responsible for the Movement of the eyes in different directions stop working leading to a squint.