Eye glasses (spectacles) are a simple-to-use and non-invasive way to correct blurred eyesight. Glasses offer a stable way to position a lens in front of the eye, which range from simple single vision lenses to complex lens designs that include multiple focus powers.

Stunning, trendy range of world class quality, great value Frames and Sunglasses To match your style and look.
To portray the mature and urbane look, our glasses underlines sophistication and refinement
Partnering with global brands we ensure our clients get the world class designs and quality with affordability
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Eye glasses (spectacles) are a simple-to-use and non-invasive way to correct blurred eyesight. Glasses offer a stable way to position a lens in front of the eye, which range from simple single vision lenses to complex lens designs that include multiple focus powers.

Stunning, trendy range of world class quality, great value Frames and Sunglasses To match your style and look.
To portray the mature and urbane look, our glasses underlines sophistication and refinement
Partnering with global brands we ensure our clients get the world class designs and quality with affordability


Our Hospital is blessed with Experienced and updated eye care providers who use state of the art technology and facilities to perform detailed eye examination and refraction with and without dilatation to reach the perfect refractive power so that patients comfort and care is ensured in the best.

Our opticians are updated with the most updated and trendy designs to help you build your style


Single vision glasses are the most commonly prescribed by optometrists and eye doctors, and used to correct myopia (shortsightedness), hyperopia (longsightedness) and astigmatism. Single vision lenses are simple to manufacture and widely available, making them an ideal solution for most vision correction problems


Single focus lenses only correct for one single power. This becomes limiting when people start to lose their ability to focus up close in their 40s, called presbyopia. In this case, a different prescription for glasses is needed for far vision than for close up vision.

Executive bifocals have a solid demarcation line across the whole lens with the distance focus power at the top and near focus power at the bottom.

Progressive addition spectacle lenses have a gradual change in power from the top of the lens, the distance vision zone, down to a close up or reading power zone at the bottom of the lens.

Multifocal spectacle lenses include more than one focus power within the lens, and utilize eye movement across the lens for the wearer to be able to use the appropriate lens power. These have the far distance correction at the top of the lens, and a gradual change in power down to the near vision correction towards the bottom of the lens for reading.

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Single focus lenses only correct for one single power. This becomes limiting when people start to lose their ability to focus up close in their 40s, called presbyopia. In this case, a different prescription for glasses is needed for far vision than for close up vision.

Executive bifocals have a solid demarcation line across the whole lens with the distance focus power at the top and near focus power at the bottom.

Progressive addition spectacle lenses have a gradual change in power from the top of the lens, the distance vision zone, down to a close up or reading power zone at the bottom of the lens.

Multifocal spectacle lenses include more than one focus power within the lens, and utilize eye movement across the lens for the wearer to be able to use the appropriate lens power. These have the far distance correction at the top of the lens, and a gradual change in power down to the near vision correction towards the bottom of the lens for reading.

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Uncorrected refractive error is an avoidable cause of visual impairment which affects children in India.

Bifocal spectacles can be thought of as two pairs of glasses stuck together, with far vision correction above the visible line in the lenses, and reading vision correction below the visible line.Children, teenagers young people sometimes need to wear multifocal or bifocal spectacle lenses to correct problems with eye focus and eye muscle coordination.


Myopia is not just about a pair of glasses. Once myopia in children and teenagers onsets, it typically progresses or worsens every few months until the late teenage or early adulthood years.
Single vision glasses has fixed focus anddo not help to slow myopia progression in children and teenagers.
Instead, specialized designs of myopia control spectacle lens can both correct blurred far vision from myopia and work to slow down its progression.
Myopia control is also important in teenagers as their vision can still be worsening, albeit at a slower rate than in younger children. Around half of teenagers reach stability of their myopia progression around age 18 but this means half are still progressing, so ideally myopia control treatment should continue into early adulthood.
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Myopia is not just about a pair of glasses. Once myopia in children and teenagers onsets, it typically progresses or worsens every few months until the late teenage or early adulthood years.
Single vision glasses has fixed focus anddo not help to slow myopia progression in children and teenagers.
Instead, specialized designs of myopia control spectacle lens can both correct blurred far vision from myopia and work to slow down its progression.
Myopia control is also important in teenagers as their vision can still be worsening, albeit at a slower rate than in younger children. Around half of teenagers reach stability of their myopia progression around age 18 but this means half are still progressing, so ideally myopia control treatment should continue into early adulthood.
The good news is that there is now a large and growing body of evidence to support that myopia progression can be slowed down using specially designed spectacle lenses (glasses)and atropine eye drops.

There are currently specialty myopia control spectacle lens designs available for controlling myopia progression with highest efficacy across all myopia control treatment options. that is about 60 % these spectacle lenses look like standard lenses when worn. The special lenslets or diffusers are typically seen when the glasses are taken off and the lenses are held up to the light.

‘Peripheral defocus’ spectacle lens called Zeiss MyoVision, which showed no impact on slowing eye growth in children.6The Essilor Stellest lens (middle) and Hoya MiYOSMART lens (right) are specially designed for myopia progression and have been shown to offer the highest currently possible efficacy for myopia control

Does my child or teen need special blue-light glasses?

Blue-light blocking coatings on spectacle lenses can reduce eye strain for some people, when spending a lot of time looking at back-lit screens. There is a small amount of evidence that they can improve sleep quality in adults with self-reported insomnia, The best advice is to pick this type of coating if your child or teenager feels more comfortable looking through it at a screen.


Wearing eyeglasses that are too strong or have the wrong prescription will damage your eyes.

Wearing glasses that are too strong or otherwise wrong for your eyes cannot harm your eyes — although it might result in a temporary headache. At worse, the glasses will fail to correct vision and make you uncomfortable because of blurriness.

Wearing eyeglasses will weaken your eyes.

Eyeglasses will not weaken your eyes .Glasses are simply external optical aids that correct vision for people who suffer from refractive errors.

Having 20/20 vision means that your eyes are perfect.

The term “20/20” denotes a person with excellent central vision. However, they may have other types of vision, such as side vision, night vision or color vision, that might be imperfect. Some potentially blinding eye diseases, such as glaucoma or diabetic retinopathy, can take years to develop. During this time, they are harming parts of the inner eye, but the central vision can remain unaffected.

Wearing Glasses ?!!!Your Eye Sight must be terrible!!!!

May be true for some But as a blanket statement its misleading.People wear glasses for small refractive errors vision is only slightly bad or only need reading or driving glasses. There is a spectrum of prescriptions all.over the place

Wearing glasses makes your eyes dependent on them.

Not true. The most popular vision-correction device is a pair of glasses. Your vision will be corrected with eyeglasses; it won’t get worse. You’re just getting accustomed to your improved eyesight when you feel like you need to wear your glasses more regularly.

Sunglasses are the best way to protect your eyes from the sun.

Just because sunglasses are shaded doesn’t mean they’ll protect your eyes. Even clear prescription lenses with UV-blocking chemicals can effectively shield your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays. Make sure the sunglasses you purchase offer enough UV protection rather than merely dark shade.

By performing eye exercises, you may avoid wearing glasses.

Your vision’s clarity is influenced by a variety of things, including genetics , health of your eye tissues and the shape of your eyes. Even while eye exercises may have some advantages, you may still require glasses or corrective lenses.

Avoiding your eyeglasses occasionally is beneficial for your eyes and allows them to rest.

Wearing glasses does not make your eyes dependent on them. Use your prescribed glasses if you have them. If you take a break from wearing them, you’ll just strain and wear out your eyes more quickly.

Eating Carrots Will Perfect Your Vision

‘Contrary to popular belief, consuming carrots alone won’t miraculously improve your vision,’A balanced diet, including carrots and other nutrient-rich foods, supports overall eye health, but it’s not a cure for vision issue.