Vision Therapy Clinic - Vision Rehabilitation
The human senses are our contact to the environment. The human brain combines the fireworks of neurons of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching into a meaningful whole. . We perceive up to 80 percent of all impressions by means of our sight.All our senses give us information about our surroundings but the one we rely most is vision.
Vision therapy clinic
Clinical research in neuroscience is advancing our understanding of brain plasticity at any age, along with new therapeutic applications of highly motivating, patient-engaging vision-therapy computer-based programs evolving to the next generation, including virtual reality (VR).
In addition to proper application of prescription lenses, prisms, and filters, using advanced methods of office-based vision therapy, including VR programs, can have a positive effect on patient outcomes in their vision rehabilitation treatment plan.
Low Vision Clinic
Used to describe individuals whose eyesight deficiencies cannot be corrected by eyeglasses, it is estimated that 285 million people around the world are living with blindness or visual impairments.
Understanding what low vision is, what causes it, and what can be done to mitigate it is important.
What is lowvision?
Low vision is a condition that can be caused by eye disease, in which visual acuity is 20/70 or poorer in the better-seeing eye and cannot be corrected or improved with regular eyeglasses, surgery or medical intervention.. It can develop at any ageThose with low vision or vision impairment — see only blackness or being completely blind is incorrect. In fact, fewer than 1 percent of those with blindness have no light perception, so it is important to help them make the best use of the remaining vision.
Vision is made up of two parts — acuity and contrast sensitivity. Acuity is the ability to see detail in small or distant objects. The classic eye chart in your optometrist’s office measures acuity. The smaller row of letters you can read, the higher your visual acuity.
Contrast sensitivity is your ability to distinguish an object from its background. The more subtle distinctions in colors or shades you can observe, the higher your contrast sensitivity.
What Causes Low Vision?
Most common causes of low vision include :
Age Related Macular Degeneration
Low vision may also result from :
The most frequently used Devices:
Low-vision Optical Devices
(MagnifierAs, Telescopes)
(video) Magnification
Recently smartphones and tabletshave become accessible to both blind and low-vision individuals. This technology is a revolution in communication, reading, and mobility because a single device is able to provide large print and/or text-to-
speech, global positioning, and interactive maps that facilitate independence as well as offering many other features.
Loss of vision will require a period of training, adaptation and the learning of new skill. During this period the person is likely to require help from another person several times a day with a range of activities
OT Interventions
What to Look for in Vision Rehabilitation Services :
Low-vision rehabilitation helps people who cannot accomplish visual tasks with conventional eyeglasses, contact lenses, medication, or through surgical intervention.
A visual impairment can be acquired or congenital. The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that 324 million people worldwide have vision loss [1]. Approximately half of those do not have access to the care that could mitigate their vision loss [1,2], with individuals 50 years of age or more representing the largest age group with vision loss